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       Getting serious? ...Update to Twoodo PRO For less than a cup of coffee a month, maximize your teams productivity.    1 month 7.99 usd/user/month  Try it out now      3 months 6.99 usd/user/month  Try it out now       POPULAR!  Equivalent to1.5 months for free 6 months 5.99 usd/user/month  Try it out now      Equivalent to4.5 months for free 12 months 4.99 usd/user/month  Try it out now     Over a hundred thousand messages are shared daily on Twoodo to improve workflows!

 With Twoodo PRO you get access to:      Everything in FREE plan  Unlimited integrations  Unlimited search history      20GB of storage  User rights management  Private teams      Premium support  From email to Twoodo  Guest portal (Coming soon)      Using social collaboration tools has been proven to increase productivity by 15%* *Source: McKinsey

  Assuming you have  people in your company and on average you pay them $ per month

 You are saving $3500/m with Twoodo PRO Try it now for free        Is it really free? Yes! You can use the service for as long as you want for Free.

   What are action views? They hold the power of Twoodo. In just a click, filter your conversations into actionable todo lists to know who is doing what. Or even track tasks and messages on files and calendar events.

     Are there any usage or rate limits? All paid plans come with unlimited usage. In extremely rare circumstances we may apply a rate limit to your project, but we'll always let you know in advance.

   Can I cancel any time? Yes. After you cancel your account you won't be charged again.

     Do I need to pay for people that aren't actively using Twoodo but that I already added to my company account? No! If a user DOES NOT log in within the last 15 days of the month, the user will not be charged for that month. So feel free to add everyone in your company. You will receive the equivalent credit to your account that will automatically be used in the next billing cycle. Bearing in mind that there is a minimum of 50% of the company that will be billed.

   What forms of payment do you accept?  We accept all major credit and debit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Discover and Diners Club.

     We need to add someone to our team. How will that be billed? We'll make a one-time, prorated charge to your credit card to cover your new team member's account for the remainder of the current billing cycle. As an example, suppose you using a Twoodo Pro plan at $4.99 per user per month when billed monthly. You add a new team member 10 days into your billing period and there are 20 remaining days in the month. The per-day cost for each user is $4.99 / 30, so we will make a one-time charge of $3.33 ($4.99 / 30 days * 20 days) to your team's credit card on file.

   We disabled the account of one of our team members. How does that affect our subscription? As soon as you have de-activated an account, we'll update your subscription automatically for you. We don't want you to have to micro manage your account! When we find one (or more) we'll automatically post a pro-rated credit to your account (just like we do for people you add, as described above). Credits on your account will be used before we charge you again. And, of course, you won't be charged for any deactivated accounts during the next billing cycle.

     What happens to our team's data when we downgrade from a paid plan to the free version? We will not delete any of your data. You will only be able to access the features included in the free plan. Private teams will become public and users will all become admins again.

   We can't pay by credit card. Can you invoice my company? We can invoice large teams who subscribe to a yearly plan. Contact us at to arrange this. All monthly plans must be paid by credit card.

     We're an Non profit do you...?  We do offer plans for non profits, please follow this link to find out how to apply and if you meet the criteria. Non profit

    Are features the same for everyone in the company? Yes they are. Wouldn't be fair.

     Want to install Twoodo on your local machines? Twoodo provides some of the best security measures. Nonetheless, if you want to install Twoodo on your company server, it is also an option. Simply contact us directly for more information by clicking here, and we'll get back to you within 24hrs.

  Contact our team

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