Security | Twoodo | Twoodo                  var _gaq = _gaq || []; var DEBUG = false;   var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (ua.indexOf('iphone') > -1 || ua.indexOf('ios') > -1 || ua.indexOf('ipod') > -1) { // To Add iPAD back: || ua.indexOf('ipad') > -1 } var isAndroid = ua.indexOf("android") > -1; //&& ua.indexOf("mobile"); if(isAndroid) { }        window.__insp = window.__insp || []; __insp.push(['wid', 1854566156]); (function () { function __ldinsp() { var insp = document.createElement('script'); insp.type = 'text/javascript'; insp.async = true; = "inspsync"; insp.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https' : 'http') + '://'; var x = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; x.parentNode.insertBefore(insp, x); } if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload', __ldinsp); } else { window.addEventListener('load', __ldinsp, false); } })();     (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) { i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () { (i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments) }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o), m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m) })(window, document, 'script', '', 'ga'); ga('create', 'UA-26666683-1', 'auto'); // Replace with your property ID. ga('require', 'displayfeatures'); ga('send', 'pageview');     (function (c, a) { window.mixpanel = a; var b, d, h, e; b = c.createElement("script"); b.type = "text/javascript"; b.async = !0; b.src = ("https:" === c.location.protocol ? "https:" : "http:") + ''; d = c.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; d.parentNode.insertBefore(b, d); a._i = []; a.init = function (b, c, f) { function d(a, b) { var c = b.split("."); 2 == c.length && (a = a[c[0]], b = c[1]); a[b] = function () { a.push([b].concat(, 0))) } } var g = a; "undefined" !== typeof f ? g = a[f] = [] : f = "mixpanel"; g.people = g.people || []; h = ['disable', 'track', 'track_pageview', 'track_links', 'track_forms', 'register', 'register_once', 'unregister', 'identify', 'alias', 'name_tag', 'set_config', 'people.set', 'people.set_once', 'people.increment', 'people.track_charge', 'people.append']; for (e = 0; e < h.length; e++)d(g, h[e]); a._i.push([b, c, f]) }; a.__SV = 1.2; })(document, window.mixpanel || []); mixpanel.init("9b0596778e670363f39798d795551c02"); var distincId = "a0d6a071-e54c-42e8-a1d5-6ef3fc59d7ff"; if (distincId !== "") { mixpanel.identify(distincId); }                        Twoodo's Statement on Security  Currently the documentation is only available in English. We are working hard to get into the other languages. Thank you for your patience.

 Twoodo's Statement on Security The security of the information you put into Twoodo is very important to us.

 Twoodo uses physical, procedural, and technical safeguards to preserve the integrity and security of your information. Some examples of what we do:  All communications to the server are done using a secured HTTPS connection All information is backed up on a regular basis (at least once a day). Log files are kept and encrypted which enables us to retrace every single operations. Host data in secure SAS 70 audited data centers controlled by Amazon Web Servers (hereafter AWS). Only the directors of the company have direct access to the servers. All other access is restricted. Logging IP addresses allows us to monitor if activity from an unusual location occurs and cuts the connection.  

 Data Reliability Twoodo continuously replicates your data between physical locations to prevent data loss..

 Twoodo uses continued log tracking stores it in different locations in case of issue. We keep records since the site has started.

 Data Privacy All data access in Twoodo is subject to numerous checks to ensure no users from outside your company ever see or modify your data without you explicitly granting them access within Twoodo.

 Secure Application Development Twoodo follows best practices in all areas of application security and prevents common web attack vectors.

 When you enter information into Twoodo, we use secure socket layer (SSL) technology to a 128-bit encrypted (same security as found in GMAIL) transmission, which helps protect your data.

 In addition, we use a cloud based CDN that tracks all illegal web traffic and blocks them even before they reach our servers. For more information on the services please visit Cloud Fare: 

 Physical Security All of Twoodo’s servers are hosted in secure, SAS 70 audited data centers.

 Network Security All servers are firewalled to permit the minimum traffic necessary to run the service, and access to those servers is limited to Twoodo employees with a legitimate business need.

 Want to report a security concern? Email us at

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